The Men Can’t Be Saved is the story of Seth Taranoff, a junior copywriter who is full of himself after a tagline he came up with went viral. His self-regard cannot be dinged, even after being laid off.

He is one of those awful men who think women in the workplace are there for men to seduce. And he does, so he works with dim women. If he is what men are, no, they can’t be saved.

Ben Purkert set out to create a repugnant character that we will appreciated because he was such a complete screw-up. He mostly succeed. Seth Taranoff is repugnant and there is something hilarious in his lack of self-awareness. But it wears thin after a while and then he is just a jerk. About midway, after he haunted the recovery house where his barista coworker-obsession worked, all I wanted was for him to disappear in a vat of burning poo.

Stalkers are not endearing. I hated the main character who made the book almost unreadable.

I received an e-gally of The Men Can’t Be Saved from the publisher through Edelweiss